Blessing Of the Powers
Just so you know, there is a way of upgrading your rank without having to rely on posts! If you provide services to Tolkien Forums, you may have chance of reward, just like you can be downranked for inappropriate behaviour. Visit HERE to see more.
For those of you who don't know there is Trivia in this Forum Here that takes place all week. A new trivia is started each thursday on a different aspect of Tolkien's myth. Please try and participate when you can as it needs a wider selection of members contributing towards it.
Please try and particip...
Middle Earth Legendarium Chart
FAMILY TREE OF THE CHARACTERS OF MIDDLE-EARTH LEGENDARIUM Hello everyone, Here is the giant family tree the characters of Tolkien's Middle Earth legendarium. The tree starts with Eru and the Ainur before Time itself, and goes straight down from there to all the characters living at the beginnin...
Middle-earth chronology
I was wondering if anyone might be interested in a bit of research I did. Being very curious to find a precise date for the events in the books I had conducted a lengthy internet search only to come up with one result; 3102 BC for the start of the Fourth Age. This did not square with a Tolkien quote that the Fa...
James the Just
Some interesting maps
I just found some free maps on the net, that are really well done, exactly after the original LOTR map.
They are both in PDF format, and can be easily opened with Adobe Acrobat
So you might ask why are these maps better then the others?
Because the quality of these maps as printed documents is much b...
The Might
Do you think..
..if Tolkien had incorporated more of the Silmarrillion tales into LOTR it would have improved the story or just added unnecessary baggage. I speak as one that read LOTR first, then bought other Tolkien books because of the history so adding more background would be an attraction for me, however I al...
Arda to Earth
I know that in the fourth age the elves start to leave for valinor and the men take over. I pieced this together, please me if it sounds reasonable (It is out of my own mind.) The elves leave for valinor, the dwarves die out. Men build their empires. Blah, blah, blah until one of the orc-clans still hidin...
To what extent it Destiny itself the ultimate hero in LOTR?
Frodo can be called the anti-hero (unlikely hero), and it is evident in his characteristics that destiny (or some other supernatural force) is the motivating factor in all his journey's; and ultimately completes the task of destroying the Ring. In what ways is a non-human force the hero in Tolkien'...
Ophelia Hobbitmaiden
Not all tears are evil. And through my years tragedy means different things. Now the tales of Arda are tragic and trough that, they are so beautiful. Please indulge me with your top 3 most tragic Tolkien moments.
The greatest sin in Arda
I often wade in the warm waters of sins of the flesh. Enough about me. (There's never enough....ever) Arda...our Arda What one crime, what one sin.........stands out against all the others. Doesn't need to be the biggest....might be small...... But it mattered to you.
Staff of the Istari
Did the Istari like Gandalf use the staffs simply as an output for their magical abilities or did the staffs themselves contain any power? I say this firstly becuase Gandalf seems to lose his actual magic abilities after he breaks his staff on the bridge of Khazad-dum and Saruman also loses his power a...
Bilbo Baggins
'Properties' of the oath of Feanor
The oath of Feanor is not taken "lightly", and it is simply terrifying.It is said that such an oath would pursue oathkeepers or oathbreakers to the world's end. It, however, turns out that Feanor himself is the only one who follows its spirit literally. He never gets a chance to directly c...
How can somebody die in the Undying Lands?
While watching The LOTR this weekend, my husband made a comment that Bilbo was going to stay alive forever (since he went to the "Undying Lands"). What made the difference between the Elves immortality and Bilbo, Frodo, Gimli and Sam's mortality. Why would they stay or not stay alive in a p...
The relationships among the sons of Feanor and beyond: treachery of kin towards kin, yielding to another's will, and oth
(Not everything will fit into a single post so I will start with treachery...) It definitely looks like the treachery of kin unto kin, and the fear of treachery, as the 'mechanisms' of the failure of the oath of Feanor, are not to be understood literally. They are rather the cause of the overall mis...
A chronology of The Hobbit
While researching for a chronology of The Hobbit I soon realized that it would be astronomically impossible to get the lunar phases to align themselves with what was written in The Lord of the Rings. It's not even close. In fact, it's so far off that there's no conceivable way to rationalize it. Lala...
James the Just
Do you think Tolkien portrayed or reflected himself in any of the characters in The Hobbit or LOTR?
I was personally thinking that he may be reflecting himself as either Frodo or Bilbo, because, after all, both of them wrote the "same" books Tolkien did (The Hobbit and LOTR). Would be this an educated guess? What do you Tolkieners think?
Imladris calendar
WHAT DAY IS IT IN ELVISH RECKONING? Now that it known when the First Age of the Sun began it becomes possible to create an Elvish calendar for our times. All we need to do is follow the explaination of how Imladris Reckoning worked in Appendix D in Return of the King. Since the Elves aged very slowly they ha...
James the Just
Melkor vs. Eru
I have read The Silmarillion front to back two times in the past week and still have not come to the conclusion so maybe you could help me out with your opinions.
When reading of Eru Illuvator creating the Valar in theAiulendale, I noticed that the greatest and first of the Valar he created was Melkor....
What was the more impressive feat? Sam vs Shelob or Bilbo vs The Mirkwood Spiders
I've always wondered what was the more impressive feat of these. I tend to lean towards Sam defeating Shelob, but there were many more spiders in Bilbo's case. -- Edited by Headingsouth on Friday 10th of January 2014 10:57:25 PM
A Guided Tour of Middle-earth
1 2
"If Hobbiton and Rivendell are taken (as intended) to be at about the latitude of Oxford, then Minas Tirith, 600 miles south, is at about the latitude of Florence. The Mouths of Anduin and the ancient city of Pelargir are at about the latitude of ancient Troy." (L294) The Lalaith site, htt...
James the Just
The oath-taking by the sons of Feanor. Influenced, coerced, rehearsed?
"Then Feanor swore a terrible oath. Straightway his seven sons leaped to his side and each took the selfsame oath..." I am just trying to understand how this was possible.The point is:It is unlikely that Feanor's sons take the oath of their free will with the full understanding of the even...
Tolkien's Pronunciations
1 2
As in real life, umlauts and circumflexes denote different sounds in different languages. I am wondering if anyone here knows what an umlaut and circumflex denote in Tolkien's mythos. From what I remember, the circumflex is only used with the Dwarves and with the Numenoreans. The only educated gu...
What IS the Power of The Ring?
[I don't know if this is in the books, but from the movies:] "...and into it (the Ring) he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life." [Another quote regarding Aragorn, from the book:] "In that hour I looked on Aragorn and thought how great and terrible a Lord he m...
The Everlasting Darkness
Feanor and his sons call upon themselves the Everlasting Darkness if they break their oath. But what is this Everlasting Darkness that they should be doomed to if "their deed faileth"? Why I think this may matter is because the Everlasting Darkness may have to do with the torment that the...
Hurin's superhuman abilities
Hi im new too this, and was just asking wether anyone else finds it hard to see hurin killing 70 trolls singlehanded at the end of the Nirneath Arnoediad? -- Edited by Turambar on Sunday 17th of January 2010 07:49:32 PM
History of the Nazgûl
I haven't read the UT - maybe it says something in there, but I have two questions. 1. Which realms/kingdoms were the nine men kings of? And... 2. What makes the Witch King the head of the Nine? Why is he so special/more powerful?
Strider's Weapon
Hey guys. I've been wondering about this for some time now, so I thought I'd get your opinions. What did Aragorn (Or Strider) use for a weapon, before the War of the Ring? Did he use the Shards of Narsil? Or did he carry another sword around all the time? Maybe he used some other type of weapon? I know that he...
The psychological aspect of the Arda legendarium
So I was thinking, what is it really that made the peoples of Middle-Earth (and of course Valinor) do what they did? By this I mean psychologically. In our own world, psychology is "the study of the mind, occurring partly via the study of behavior." - And I would say this applies to Tolkien's...
Broken Rules
Hi all Now we know and love Tokien's world. The author over the years created a mythos and history in remarkable detail. His attention to detail is incredible, and his world follows rules of sorts.... But here's the question....where and why did the author intentialy try to upset his own rigid mythos...
What would have happened?
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What do you think would have happened if Boromir had got the Ring off Frodo? How do you think the War of the Ring would have gone then?
mouth of sauron