All, My vote for the "Best Choreographed Fight-Scene" is the gun fight in the film"Open Range", starring Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner. As far as sword play goes I vote for Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone in "The Adventures of Robin Hood". The use of shadow and the accelerated frame set a trend and technique still used by film makers today... And, even though I participate in this, can someone fill me in where this fits in a Tolkien Utterly Miscellaneous thread and not in the film section...if it should be in the TOLKIEN FORUMS at all? Bear
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
I would very much like to see an Elf warrior fight. I wonder whether they would fight the same as men, or would Tolkien give them a more 'martial arts' kind of spin. Middle-earth is based on Northwestern Europe mythology but it would be a bit bland if all the races fought in the same traditional manner.
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
Best fight scenes over all in my opinion is anything from Ong Bak I. II and III weren't bad but got a little too poetic like some Ang Lee passionate death junk. The first one was just raw and brutal. Tony Jaa punishes himself and the choreography was pretty complex.
Best fight scene in the LOTR trilogy has to be the Moria scene in Balin's tomb. In one particular scene Aragorn is trying to fight his way to Frodo, who is being cornered by the Cave Troll. Aragorn screams to Frodo and he has to fight through the orcs to get to him. He performs a cool combo that just felt Medieval in nature and was so far from contemporary fight scenes now-a-days. Its a Right hand parry, twice with Narsil followed with left cross to a squealing orc. Gratifying! The other one has to be Aragorn's single powerful sweep of Narsil taking something like four Uruks on Amon Hen as Frodo flees. Good stuff.