I am a 31 yr old mother of two and , obvious by my joining this forum, I am a huge Tolkien fan. I've read his books on Middle Earth several times and love studing maps, though that never does me much good. lol I'm looking forward to dicussing Tolkien's works with other avid fans. Much love to all and be blessed.
lomoduin, Welcome! Nice to meet you. I've been a fan of Tolkien and his books for awhile. I read them to my daughter as she grew up. She especially loved "The Hobbit" when she was little. She grew into role playing games like "D&D"; as often as possible with Tolkien themes. "The Lord of the Rings" became dinner table discussion. "The Silmarillion" audio tapes became rainy day activities. Now "Unfinished Tales" and "Hurin's Children" are fireside conversation when she returns for visits from the seminary. I have found a wonderful resource in the Forums". The people on the site have been warm and enthusiastic. And the range of posts are remarkable. Its FUN. Again , Welcome and well met. By the way, where did you get your forum name? Bear an Elf-Friend
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Bear asked: by the way, where did you get your forum name?
I'm going to guess (welcome Lomoduin!) that it might be Elvish, as duin is a 'river-word' in Grey-elven -- though in this position I think d would become voiced th (like the th sound in English these), as seems to be the case with Fanuidhol 'Cloudy head' (where 'head' is dol).
But I can't guess at the rest... well I can guess, but not as 'certainly' as with duin.
Yes I'm that bored (and interested in names). For all I know Lomoduin has nothng to do with Elvish.
I'm not sure Tyrhael posts here anymore (or can post here). In a recent discussion (elsewhere) he seemed to indicate he could not post anymore -- though actually I wasn't totally positive he meant these boards specifically, and maybe he just meant he didn't have enough time in any case, I can't recall exactly. He moderates a Tolkien language forum elsewhere.
Anyway, if my thought on duin is correct, I can't seem to (yet) find a Sindarin word to fit well here. In Etymologies we have (Doriathrin) lóm 'echo' and lómen echoing (base LAM-), and from base LUM- we get lhum 'shade'. And there is a Quenya word lóme 'Night, night-time, shades of night', but that's Quenya (and still not *lomo or whatever).
Then I gave up
... figuring Lomoduin might respond soon anyway... though with two kids she might have limited time at the moment!
It's just a name I picked up along the way when I first got in to Tolkien and all that goes along with him. Probably a generic take a quiz thing. Well met, in any case. I feel like I should have some detailed story after all the speculation. lol Sorry to disappoint. Balin is right, I don't have much time. Along with two young kids I also have two jobs. That doesn't leave much time for my dariling husband, that I've converted to Tolkienism, ha-ha. After looking around briefly last time I was afraid to post anything. I apparently don't know a fraction of what I thought. I'm looking forward to learning, though. Thank you to all.
Suilad mellon nin and if you ever wanted to or have time to, I run the Sindarin Course in the Language forum and yes, there is homework assigned And I think that I am one of the OLDEST people here agewise and YOU are a year younger then my daughter. I will celebrate my 54 birthday in 2.5 days, August 5th, and I am a latecomer to Tolkien, but nevertheless fervent. Welcome!
Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow! Tom Bom, Jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!
Galin, it's strange I haven't looked here for months but signed on to find something and found this thread. Regarding my posting, that depends on when I said it, as it could be due to the malware attack which left me unable to use the PC for at least a week (can't remember quite how long), or recent medical things that've made me take days off. But I'm 'back' in the sense that I now have the opportunity to post ... I'm just not doing so. Time is a problem; I have already cut back on the number of Tolkien forums I visit and this is one of the ones I haven't visited for quite a while, whereas I check 8 others regularly.
Regarding the name 'lomoduin', I know it was said to have no intended meaning, but my personal interpretation (well, one of many) would be to interpret as a compound turned name like Dantilais, of Lom-o-duin, or Lom-od-duin, with stop mutation preventing the lenition of D to DH. _*Lom_ would be a Sindarin cognate to Q. _lumba_ 'weary' (VT45:29) and in fact an 'update' of Noldorin _lhom_. So 'the weary one from the river', perhaps?
There are other possibilities, like the M representing assimilation of -nm-, or an element #oduin (but what the heck would _that_ mean, or be derived from? the -ui- could be a plural of something with -ô- (see thread on Mellyn Lammath discussing stuff in PE17, namely thôn/thuin and thol/thely,thuil), and that could be lenited, i.e. #tôn. I know of no root *TON-, so that doesn't exactly help brainstorming a _meaning_ even if possible derivations can be hypothesized.
Anyway, don't mean to hijack lomoduin's welcome thread - carry on! *g*
Regarding the name 'lomoduin', I know it was said to have no intended meaning, but my personal interpretation (well, one of many) would be to interpret as a compound turned name like Dantilais, of Lom-o-duin, or Lom-od-duin, with stop mutation preventing the lenition of D to DH. _*Lom_ would be a Sindarin cognate to Q. _lumba_ 'weary' (VT45:29) and in fact an 'update' of Noldorin _lhom_. So 'the weary one from the river', perhaps?
Well, that might help explain d instead of dh, and I must admit I didn't think of a possibility like Dantilais 'Fall of the leaves' here. Only 8 other forums Tyr