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Topic: Poetry from an unpublished volume.

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Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 13, 2009
Poetry from an unpublished volume.

 For the past several years my mused has graced me with inspiration to write. The tile of this book is

"Leaves Under Moon and Star"

Enjoy if you might, comment, if you will.

Thank you.


I see you standing tall and still
A silhouette upon the hill.
Straight and proud, fair and storng
As sprung anew from some bardic song.

You see us not standing near
Your thoughts are wandering far from here.
To a place in the West
Where the sun goes to rest.

Do you see it's echo there,
Shimmering on the golden air?
An island lost in days of yore
The Isle of Men, blessed Numenor.

They say the Elf must fade, decline,
But what of you, O' Dunedain?
From whence will come your strength renewed.
Vigor regained long life imbued?

Is this why the West you face,
O' scion of a dying race?
I hear you sigh on whispered breath
O', Numenor! Ai, Akallabeth!

-- Edited by Anorlas on Friday 14th of August 2009 03:35:47 AM

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Date: Aug 14, 2009
Beautiful.  And inspiring.
More please!


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 14, 2009
It will be my pleasure, Bear. Thank you for the feedback.

Amdir's Lament

East wind, bitter East wind what cruel news will you bear
When next you go a-weeping through Lorien so fair?
For Amdir king, Lord Amdir shall no more wander there.

No more shall the elanor hear his regal tread.
The nephredil and mallorn tree will mourn his fea now fled.
The very stars seem vailed with woe, the moon is pale and riding low.
Earendil, hope's fairest light, seems lost in Mordor's endless night
For Amdir king, Lord Amdir now rests in Mandos' Halls

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Date: Aug 14, 2009
I like the connection with nature and Amdir.
The flowers and trees, the stars and the moon, all lament.
It feels like it leads to a longer ballad or saga of Earendil.
I like the flow of the words too.
Thanks for sharing this.
Very much,


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 14, 2009
Thank you so much, Bear!

My muse seems to have taken an extended vacation but as soon as it returns I'll see where the inspiration leads me.

-- Edited by Anorlas on Friday 14th of August 2009 04:03:29 PM

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Samwise Gamgee - rank 9
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Date: Aug 14, 2009
I've done a few poems about Middle-earth myself in the past but long forgotten them.

Your first one I prefer as it has a more coherent flow. But they are both good.

My Master Sauron the Great bids thee Welcome....
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 15, 2009
Thank you for the critique Mouth of Sauron.....and I do have to admit that I agree with you. Amdir's Lament is not my best effort....the last few lines a bit awkward.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Rohirrim of Edoras - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 15, 2009
The first poem has a lovely rythm. The aliteration is pleasing and you really get a sense of visual satisfaction. The second I think is a great start to a much longer epic. I see that as more of a true Dunedain type effort. I agree the last is a bit ackward but I see a lot of potential here.

All in all, I hope you give us more. I can never read enough about ME and love original works of composition, especially good ones. ; )

More please!!

The winds of heaven do not blow gentle.
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 15, 2009
LOL...I haven't really looked at these for a couple of years....maybe I should.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 15, 2009


Beside the long lost Nen Echui
We woke so long ago,
Awoke into a silent world
Beneath the stars soft glow.

When the mighty Menelmakar
First rose from Elbereth's fair hand
Then did sleep leave Elven eyes
And we looked upon the land.

We first beheld a starlit mere
And we gathered on the shore.
Then there arose a silver choir
And the world was mute no more.

For speech we had, and speech we gave
to every living thing.
The Fangorn for to make his rhyms
The nightingale to sing.

The world has changed from what was known
The way is known no more.
Never now shall Elf-kind sing
Upon that silenced shore.

For time is swiftly running,
For none does it take rest.
The Elven ships are sailing
Unto Eldamar, the West.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 17, 2009

A Fallen Star

Of Ereinion we sadly tell
Who long ago in Mordor fell.
Elf High-king the last to reign
From Lindon to Eregion's plain.

In Beleriand his star arose
Till it fell to Noldoran woes.
Born of kings and king to be
In Lindon by the Western Sea.

Standing on a hill afar
His armor gleamed, a brilliant star.
Gil-Galad he then was named
With Aegols the great lance famed.

With Erendil of Numenor
Gil-Galad alliance swore.
To end at last dark Sauron's power
And cast to ruin his evil tower.

Who now can count that bitter cost
Of Man and Elf in sorrow lost.
On Dagorlad they fought and died
Man, Elf and Orch , side by side.
Sharing there a common fate
The testament to Sauron's hate.

But Gil-Galad, he wavered not.
Nor Elendil as on they fought.
Man and Elf did follow liege
To Barad-dur at last to siege.

For seven years they incamped the tower
Till Sauron came in battle glower.
His might was great and death did bring
For on his hand there sat, the Ring.

Gil-Galad, he seized the chance
And charged Sauron with gleaming lance.
But in this fight would not prevail
Against this foe Aeglos did fail.

Elendil, he wrestled on
Battling Melkor's evil spawn.
Til Sauron's defenses wained
And Narsil a bold stroke gained.

Sauron faultered with one last blow
Hammering at his mortal foe.
Elendil fell, Narsil broke
Sundered by that fated stroke.

Isildur with valor grand
Cut the Ring from Sauron's hand.
Sauron then, his form unmade
Fled the field, a firery shade.
But in the heat, great woe betide
Gil-Galad the Elf-king died.

Of GIl-Galad we sing lament
Who long ago to Mandos went.
The last to reign so fair and free
Between the mountain and the sea.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Date: Aug 17, 2009
Very nice.  I can almost hear an elven minstrel, with harp, in a wooden hall, fire bright and warm, and your poem chanted, men and elves in a quiet shared fellowship.
I look forward to more...


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 17, 2009
That makes a very nice mental picture Bear. Maybe some day I will attempt to draw it with a copy of the poem written in the margins. Maybe a translation in Sindarin just for kicks?

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Date: Aug 17, 2009
I would love to see it.


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 17, 2009
Not much of an artist....but I can draw after a fashion, will see what I can do. It will make a nice challenge.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Thorin Oakenshield - Rank 6
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Date: Aug 17, 2009
Good poems there Anorlas!

If you would welcome some constructive criticism I could provide it for the last poem.

It lacked, in certain areas, the correct amount of syllables. For example I'll write in some corrections you may or may not think appropriate:

A Fallen Star

Of Ereinion we sadly tell
Who long ago in Mordor fell.
The Elven-king, the last to reign
From Lindon to Eregion's plain.

In Beleriand his star arose
O'er it fell to Noldor woes.
Born of kings and king to be
In Lindon by the Western Sea.

Standing on a hill afar
His armour gleamed, a shining star.
Fair Gil-Galad he then was named
With Aeglos long, the great lance famed.

With Elendil Tall of Numenor
Gil-Galad an alliance swore.
To end at last dark Sauron's power
And cast to ruin his evil tower.

Who now can count that bitter cost
Of Man and Elf in sorrow lost.
On Dagorlad they fought and died
Man and Elf and Orc beside.
Sharing there a common fate
The testament to Sauron's hate.

But Gil-Galad, he wavered not.
Nor Elendil as on they fought.
Both Man and Elf did follow liege
To Barad-dur at last to siege.

For seven years incamped the tower
Till Sauron came in battle glower.
His might was great and death did bring
For on his hand there was the Ring.

Gil-Galad then, he seized the chance
And charged Sauron with gleaming lance.
But in this fight would not prevail
Against this foe Aeglos would fail.

Elendil Great, he wrestled on
With Mighty Melkor's evil spawn.
Till Sauron's defenses then waned
And Narsil bright, a bold stroke gained.

Sauron faultered with one last blow
Hammering at his mortal foe.
Elendil fell and Narsil broke
Sundered by that fated stroke.

Isildur brave with valour grand
Did cut the Ring from Sauron's hand.
Sauron then, his form unmade
Fled the field, a firery shade.
But in the heat, great woe betide
Gil-Galad fair, the Elf-king died.

Of Gil-Galad we sing lament
Who long ago to Mandos went.
The last to reign so fair and free
Between the mountains and the sea.

Changed a few small details there, as I thought it gave the poem slightly more cohesion. Any thoughts?

You want it for Yourself!
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 18, 2009
You do me great honor Master Bilbo Baggins. I will keep your changes in mind. I hope to do a piece of artwork with the poem included. It may be that I will keep at least some your suggestions....if I may?  In the second stanza you wrote "O'er it fell to Noldor woes."   Might not "O'er" be "E'er"?

-- Edited by Anorlas on Tuesday 18th of August 2009 02:04:13 AM

-- Edited by Anorlas on Tuesday 18th of August 2009 01:01:21 PM

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Thorin Oakenshield - Rank 6
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Date: Aug 19, 2009
Certainly you can Anorlas!

There are still one or two things I think you need to change, before you put it into an artwork piece. For example:

The Elven-king, the last to reign
From Lindon to Eregion's plain.

In fact, that second line as a whole is a little awkward. Doesn't flow very well. Maybe something along the lines of:

The Elven-king, the last to reign,
By Sauron's hand alone was slain.

Not great, but if you say both versions clearly and with speed you'll see the second has more flow.

Another verse worth altering is:

Sauron faultered with one last blow
Hammering at his mortal foe.
Elendil fell and Narsil broke
Sundered by that fated stroke.

This one requires the reader to smooth over the bumps a bit. Perhaps:

The Dark Lord then with one last blow
Threw down his mighty mortal foe.
Elendil fell and Narsil broke
'Twas splintered by fated stroke.

Anyhow, definitely alot of potential, that poem.

As for o'er - it usually applies to the sea, but I believe it can be used in cases like this. The best word for the job is simply 'before' but the more Old English added, the better it makes poems like this sound. 'Ere' would work as well - but its only one syllable so would be out of place.

You want it for Yourself!
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 20, 2009
"From Lindon to fair Eregion's plain"...perhaps? Both versions are true at any rate.
No, somehow "'Twas splintered by fated stroke"....seems not quite right either it doesn't roll off the tongue.

This is a lament so speed is not really looked for, I think.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Thorin Oakenshield - Rank 6
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Date: Aug 20, 2009
Anorlas wrote:
"From Lindon to fair Eregion's plain"...perhaps? Both versions are true at any rate.
No, somehow "'Twas splintered by fated stroke"....seems not quite right either it doesn't roll off the tongue.

This is a lament so speed is not really looked for, I think.

You are correct. I made an error when making that line, what I meant was:

"The Dark Lord then with one last blow
Threw down his mighty mortal foe.
Elendil fell and Narsil broke
'Twas splintered by that fated stroke."

Sounds a bit better with the extra 'that' wink.gif

As for Eregion - the problem is the word has too many syllables. To give you a comparison:

The Elven-king, the last to reign
From Lindon to Eregion's plain.

Sounds very broken compared to:

The Elven-king, the last to reign
From Lindon thence to Mordor's plain.

Perhaps thats better if you want to keep the bulk of the sentence intact? "Eregion" doesn't fit there, to me atleast.

You want it for Yourself!
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 20, 2009
I guess what I am trying to do is tell a story in some sort of chronological order. To say "By Sauron's hand alone was slain" is jumping to far ahead. Gil-Galad was the only and last Elf-king to reign from Lindon to Eregion. I think this is an important piece of the story and should be told as such. With some work it will all fit, I'm sure.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Date: Aug 21, 2009

 The Five Battles of Beleriand

I think upon Beleriand now lost beneath the sea
Sadly do I wonder how it could ever be.

How such a love as Melkor had could turn
to blinding hate.
And bring upon that fair green land
This terrible fell fate.

Dagor Yrch
(Battle of Orchs)
(Battle Under the Stars)
Dagor Aglare
(Battle Glorious)
Dagor Bragollach
(Battle of Sudden Flame)
Nirnaeth Arnoediad
(Unnumbered Tears)

Five battles there did Melkor wage
as dark desire turned to rage.
In Utumno he would scheme and plan
How best destroy both Elf and Man.

As a god he was in power and might
But in his heart there was no light.
He sought to take what was not his own.
To rule the Vision Eru's love had grown.

From this need to create and rule
He fashioned creatures fell and cruel.
Orch and dragon and Balrog dire
Marked with Udun's accursed fire.

Though Man and Elf and Dwarven lord
Stood valorious against Melkor's hord
Each battle fought brought death, dispair
To mortal and to Elf-kind fair.

But when at last all hope must fail
Earendil would set sail
To seek that long mist vailed shore.
Would plead their plight in Valinor.

To his pleas, Valar took heed
 To harken well to Arda's need.
No longer would they set by
To let Eru's Children die.

One last battle would then be fought
To end the woe that Melkor wrought.
But, as in all thing there must be cost,
Arda was changed, Beleriand lost.

Here I stand on Lindon's shore
Remembering a land that is no more.
 I ponder how if at some cycle lain
That fair Beleriand might rise again.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Posts: 2960
Date: Aug 22, 2009
I love the simple rhyming couplets.
Often poetry has a greater impact when read aloud.
Your rhyming couplets and rhythmic verse create that classic pattern that goes all way back to the Greeks.
I enjoy sharing what you have written with my family.
I read it aloud and they are captured by it.
This last piece,
"The Five Battles of Beleriand", has provoked discussion of the Silmarillion and has my friends digging to find references from your poem.
Thank you for your talent and your work.
It is blessing others.

-- Edited by Bear on Saturday 22nd of August 2009 02:28:36 AM


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Posts: 265
Date: Aug 22, 2009
Thank you, Bear...and joy to your family and friends! What more can a poet or any artist ask then people share and find satisfaction of the pieces produced?

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Posts: 265
Date: Sep 4, 2009

The Lovers

I'll be the mighty oak, he said
To stand strong upon the land.
And I, thy heart wood be
said she.
And every season of thine life
Will be a ring for me.

I'll be the crashing ocean, said he
With waves so strong
and wild.
I shall be the shore, said she.
And when your tide has
run its course
You will return to me.

I'll be the fierce-eyed eagle,
said he.
The sky my wild domain.
And I, your eyrie be.
Then when you tire of the sky
You'll wing your way to me.

I'll be the salmon in the stream
So silver quick I'll be.
I'll be the hazel on the bank,
said she.
And all the wisdom that I bare
I will impart to thee.

I'll be the sun in yonder sky,
So bright, and hot, and strong.
And I, the darkling West.
And when at the day's long end
you come
In my sweet arms you'll rest.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Posts: 2960
Date: Sep 4, 2009
Beautiful metaphors!
A love poem to read to my beloved by a quiet fire and sweet music in the background.
Well done!


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Posts: 265
Date: Jan 13, 2011

Fading Of The Year

Now has Summer shed her days
As Autumn dances in golden haze.
Summer leaves will turn to gold
As Winter stalks with bitter cold.

Each tree and vine
their fruits they bear
Which we gather with
loving care
A harvest rich with
varied gift
In ward against the
snow and drift.

T'is the fading of the year
But bears no cause for
Elves to fear.
Each year must turn and turn again.
Within each season's cycle lain.

The sun may look to fields of green
But on out lawns a flower is seen.
The winter bloom of Lorien
The Elanor to revel in.

So let each heart be filled with joy
Of which no shadow can distroy.
Let us feast, our voices ring.
T'll in answer the white stars sing.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Posts: 2960
Date: Jan 13, 2011
Very nice!
It goes well with the movie sound trak.
Thank you!


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Posts: 265
Date: Jan 13, 2011
Thanks Bear.  More to follow as I get time to post them.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
Status: Offline
Posts: 265
Date: Feb 8, 2011


There is a place, a hidden vale
Told in many a sage's tale.
Where flows many a misty fell
In human speech is called Rivendell.

Here there is, the wise do say,
Knowledge old and wisdom fey.
Councile given strong and true
Though those that heed them
now are few.

Elven-lords of glorious might
Who, by the Vala, are filled with light.
Who from the West came in need
To protect our world from the Dark lord's greed.

Beneath the stars, beneath the trees
Elven voices waft on the breeze.
Songs so sweet and Elven-fair
One longs to stay and tarry there.

T'was Elrond known as Peredhil
Who established this refuge Rivendell.
Bidden by the Elf high-king
Gil-Galad of whom the harpers sing.

A haven safe with wardings strong
To all Free-folk it does belong.
Open to all who hope do seek
From warror strong to Hobbit meek.

Here it is then, Rivendell
Where truth rings clear as silver bell.
Be you wise the path you'll find
The gift of an unburdoned mind.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Lord Elrond of Rivendell - Rank 9
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Posts: 2960
Date: Feb 8, 2011
I like your "RIVENDELL."
It is simple with an easy rhythm and rhyme scheme.
Yet it does convey much about its origin and purpose ... and its history too.
Really nice.
When you have time may I have some more please?


Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit
Called or uncalled, God is present

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
Status: Offline
Posts: 265
Date: Feb 8, 2011

I have a few more pieces. I will gladly share them. Thank you for your imput!

I'll not bid the stars farewell
Anarion, Son of Elendil - rank 8
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Date: Feb 8, 2011
I like that poem Anorlas. I have some minor alterations (mostly to smooth over some of the syllable anomalies) for your consideration:

There is a place, a hidden vale
Told in many a sage's tale.
Where flows many a misty fell
In human speech called Rivendell.

Here there is, the wise oft say,
Knowledge old and wisdom fey.
Council given strong and true
Though those that heed them
now are few.

Elven-lords of wondrous might
Who, by the Valar, are filled with light.
Who from the West came in need
To save us from the Dark lord's greed.

Beneath the stars, beneath the trees
Waft Elven voices on the breeze.
Songs so sweet and Elven-fair
One longs to stay and tarry there.


Utúlie'n  aurë!  Aiya  Eldalië  ar  Atanatári,  utúlie'n  aurë! 
Auta  i  lómë! 
Aurë entuluva!

Loremaster Elf of Mirkwood - Rank 4
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Posts: 265
Date: Feb 9, 2011

Thank you, Glorfindel! I will certainly think about your suggestions should I ever have cause to repost these sometime.

I'll not bid the stars farewell
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