From the books, deffinately Boromir and then his father. They erked me no end. Boromir was such a know it all. Always doing what he was told not to. Denethor wasn't much better...or far worse.
Grima for me, definitely!! I hated that guy and just wanted to pitch him over the balcony with that palantir!
Faramir, in the movies, when he's all whimpy and whining about how his daddy always loved Boromir most. That was pretty annoying.
The first time I saw the movies and Arwen rides across the river with Frodo and starts chanting and then the river goes crazy, yeah that ticked me off pretty badly.
My hubby said that in the movie Galadriel was a pretty tempting target. If she was so high and mighty why give out the weird gifts. Rope, sand, a strand of hair, what!? At least Aragorn got Celeborn's dagger! lol (verbatim)
He also says, censored, that Sam when he says She had ribbons in her hair. We're on a rock in the middle of a volcano eruption because we just threw the most powerful weapon in ME in to it, I lost my finger and your b*&^hin about her hair do?!! lol
Frodo when he says to Sam We're goin' round in circles!! Sam- No sh&^ sherlock! I peed on that tree twice today and I'm still following you around!
I know that was more than one but it's such a seductive thought!
If you could punch a middle-earth character in the face...who would it be ?
Bless you Filli. I wondered how many minutes would go by before you would crank the cat's tail.
Now I can see in my minds eye different Tolkien characters punching out other characters. *I can see Gloin taking a shot at Legolas... *I can see Eomer giving Grima Wormtongue one hell of a beating with Eowyn putting a kick or two between Grima's legs.... *And Sam making a fine mess of Ted Sandyman's nose...with Rosie cheering him on. *And I can see Thorin Oakenshield putting a case of whup ass on Bilbo for stealing the Arkenstone... *Fangorn pounding Saruman into oblivion while Galadriel cheered him on... *And Gandalf might have been tempted to smack Barliman Butterburr into next week for not mailing Frodo his letter. I don't give a darn how busy the Prancing Pony was...
But who would I let go on? Hmmm? *How would Denethor look with a bear paw up his butt and claws across his face? *What about my own case of nose punching on Saruman. He sold out all that was good and pure. Getting his throat cut by Grima was mercy compared to the beating this bear wants to give him. He would be the multi-colored wizard alright...mainly black and blue with a little blood red thrown in to make me happy. *I think Morwen should get a spanking too...Turim and Nienor were her responsiblity...
This question deserves some deeper thought... It amazes me how close to the surface our violent subconscious is... Sad commentary about us humans...
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
Filli, You are a dangerous man!!! Hawkins has a computer running chair and voice... He could probably nuke your cat... How about a bout with Smeagol! Bear
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
There is always a longed for go around with Gollum. An Easterling or Southron or two for being gullable enough to fall for Sauron's promise of power. Which he wouldn't have shared anyway. They were nothing more then cannon fodder like the orcs and Uruk Hai.
No one jumped on Frodo leading Sam in circles. If you followed someone around your neighborhood for several days and you passed you house several times would you want the comapss? Did Aaron go through this with Moses? Hmmmmm How many times are you gonna talk to that burning bush?
-- Edited by lomoduin on Saturday 12th of September 2009 03:59:18 AM