Good question! To recall what brings me happiness in fact brings me happiness! Coffee in the morning...a pipe on the porch with that cup of coffee and a good book. Watching child like spirits open presents... Live music where I can quietly sing along... Holding hands with Ellen at the movies...
Looking forward to others response!
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit Called or uncalled, God is present
My family, horses, outdoors, my cat, coffee (lots of coffee) reading, writing, good people having good conversations, praying and feeling like it was done well and will be heard, good food, a stiff drink on occasion....It would take less time to tell you what makes me unhappy but it wouldn't make me happy. lol
Reading, hanging out with friends and family. Going to Scottish events. Having dreams come true and prayers answered. Studying and learning. Hanging out with my cats. Snow in the winter. Flowers and warm sunshine in Spring and Summer. Cool crisp Autumn days as the leaves start to turn. Watching the constellations track across the sky each season. Hearing bird song, owls hoot, loons call. Pirateering. A cosy wood fire on a chilly night. Helping people. A beach on a stormy day.
What makes me happy. Gosh there are so many things. My family would be first. My pets and friends. I would also say I love nature. Fresh air, watching birds in the yard and just taking the time to appreciate all the good around me.
I love it when my son holds my hand. He's six. I tell him that "when you're older you won't want to hold my hand" He stares at me in disbelief "never daddy"